How to Maintain Weight Loss After Stopping Ozempic!

Mar 03, 2024

The new weight loss drug, Ozempic, has been transformative for many individuals managing Type 2 diabetes. Not only does it effectively control diabetes, but it also facilitates weight loss.

However, the availability of Ozempic fluctuates, causing stress and anxiety for those reliant on it. Most people gain back the weight if they cannot access Ozempic.

The good news is that research shows patients following a low carbohydrate diet while on Ozempic maintain the weight loss even when they stop the drug! 

These patients have similar weight maintenance and diabetes control as those who continue with Ozempic.

This matches my clinical experience. I find most of my patients manage to maintain the weight loss when Ozempic supplies run dry. This is because they have learnt the skills needed to follow a low carbohydrate diet whilst on the medication. Once the medication stops they have set up the new behaviour and can stay low carb without any need for drugs.

For those struggling to find Ozempic  a low carbohydrate lifestlye will  be beneficial. It's a simple and healthy approach to eating that can provide stability beyond medication dependency.

If you're currently using Ozempic, why not learn the basics of a low carbohydrate diet while you have access to the medication?

By establishing new eating habits now, you can potentially maintain your weight loss even if Ozempic becomes unavailable.

You may  even learn to live without Ozempic forever! That's freedom!

To address this huge need in our population, I've developed the Low Carb Made Simple Course, a convenient way to learn the EASY steps of a low carbohydrate diet.

Wouldn't it be empowering to be less dependent on medication and instead embrace a lifestyle that promotes health and well-being? Consider the long-term health and financial benefits of maintaining your health without relying solely on medication.



Learn how to follow a low carbohydrate diet to reverse type 2 diabetes. My course makes it easy and it includes simple short videos and all the handouts I use everyday with my patients.

Low Carb Made Simple

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