Butter or Margarine? Who Cares?

Mar 09, 2025

Butter or margarine for diabetes? Who cares?

Diabetes Australia recently sent out a newsletter discussing the pros and cons of butter versus margarine. But if you have type 2 diabetes, does this really matter? The simple answer: no.

Diabetes is a condition of glucose intolerance. The key to managing diabetes is eating in a way that keeps your blood glucose low. Most of the glucose in your blood comes from the food you eat—things like bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and sugary cakes and biscuits. These foods spike blood glucose levels, making diabetes harder to control.

But what about butter or margarine? Neither will raise your blood glucose. So whether you spread butter or margarine on your food is entirely up to you. Choose the one you enjoy most—but instead of putting it on bread or potatoes, try it on your green beans or cauliflower. 

Some people argue that margarine is healthier because it contains less saturated fat, while others prefer butter for its natural composition. However, historical studies like the Sydney Diet Heart Study raise concerns about certain margarines, especially those containing trans fats, which have been linked to worse heart health outcomes. Fortunately, modern margarines have largely removed trans fats, but the debate continues. I prefer butter because it tastes great and it is not a strange factory food.

The real focus for managing type 2 diabetes should be on reducing the foods that drive blood glucose up, not debating butter versus margarine. So forget the unnecessary worry and focus on what truly matters: keeping your blood sugar in check by avoiding high-carb foods.

Butter or margarine? WHO CARES? The better question is: what are you putting it on?

Diabetes is a HUGE risk factor for heart disease and strokes. The way to limit risk is to put your diabetes into remission, not avoiding butter. One powerful approach is a low-carbohydrate diet. If you’d like to learn how to implement this simple approach, check out my course: LOW CARB MADE SIMPLE.





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